Charles Anthony Schott
Schott was engaged in the US Coast Survey. His biography is by Cleveland Abbe.
- [1855] "Adjustment of horizontal angles of a triangulation."
Rep. Coast Sur. U.S.
during 1854, pp. 70-86.
- [1855]
"Probable error of observation derived from
observations of horizontal angles at any single station, and depending
on directions,"
Rep. Coast Sur. U.S.
during 1854, pp. 86-95.
- [1855] "Secular variation in the magnetic
declination on the Atlantic and Gulf Coast of the US."
Report of the Superintendent of the US Coast Survey 1855, pp. 306-337.
- [1856] "Solution of Normal Equations by
indirect elimination."
Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey during the year 1855,
pp. 255-264. (Appendix No. 40).
- [1856] "Report... of a discussion of the secular
variation in the magnetic declination on the Atlantic and part of the
Gulf Coast of the United States,"
Rep. Coast Survey U.S.
during 1855, pp. 306-337.
- [1858] "An account of the method and formulae for the
determination of the astronomical latitude by means of the zenith
telescope as used in the survey of the coast of the United States."
Rep. Coast Survey U. S.
during 1857, pp. 324-334.
- [1861] "Account of Cauchy's interpolation formula," Report of the U.S. Coast Survey
during 1860, pp. 392-396.
This is a translation of Cauchy.
- [1864] "Development of Bessel's function for the effect of
periodic forces, for durations of periods frequently occurring in
meteorological and magnetic investigations; with examples.
Rep. Coast Survey U.S.
during 1862, pp. 232-235. See Bessel 1828.
- [1866] "The problem of determining a position by angles observed upon
a number of given stations. Solution of Gauss, with example," Rep.
Coast Survey U.S.
during 1864, pp. 116-119. See Gerling's book 1840.
- [1866] "Report on the method of reduction, and results of the
connection of the Epping base line with the primary triangulation in
the Eastern States," Rep. Coast Survey U. S.
during 1864, pp. 120-144.
This is a discussion of a case of adjustment involving 35 normal equations
and 58 equations of correctives.
- [1867] "Results of the primary triangulation of the coast of New
England, from the north-eastern boundary to the vicinity of New York.
Report Coast Survey U.S.
during 1865, pp. 187-203.
This continues the two articles of 1866. He also compares the lengths of
three base lines withe the lengths as computed by triangulation.
- [1868] "Method of Adjustment of the Secondary Triangulation of Long
Island Sound."
Coast Survey U.S. during 1868, pp. 140-146.
- [1872] "Determination of weights to be given to observations for
determining time with portable transit-instruments, recorded by the
chronographic method."
Coast Survey U.S. during 1872, pp. 222-226.