Baruch Spinoza
b. 24 November 1632 Amsterdam
d. 21 February 1677
Spinoza was, of course, best known for his philosophical studies.
The short work Reeckening
van Kanssen (Calculation on Chance) has been attributed to
Spinoza but this is by no means certain. It likely was published
together with the Stelkonstige
reeckening van den regenboog, that is, "Algebraic calculation of
the rainbow." It may be found in Benedicti de Spinoza, Opera quotquot
reperta sunt, Volume III, pp. 248-252. This translation has been
prepared using the French translation in the collected works of
Christiaan Huygens, Vol. I, pp. 29-31. However, as some portions
were omitted there, these have been added from the Dutch version.