b. 19 May
1687 Amsterdam
d. 15 May 1769 Amsterdam
Struyck was a member of the Royal
Society of London and the Académie Royale of Paris. Apparently
he was well respected by his peers in general, but there did exist
animosity between him and Kersseboom. Stuyck wrote a text on the theory
of chances. Besides this he wrote two other works which include
parts related to probability and statistics. The text and the
parts were translated from Dutch into French by J. A. Vollgraff as Les Oeuvres de Nicolas Struyck qui se
rapportent au calcul des chances à la statistique des
décés et aux rentes viageres tirées des oeuvres
complèt published in 1912. The documents translated
- Uytreeking der Kansen in het
Speelen, door de Arithmetica en Algebra, beneevens eene Verhandeling
van Looterijen en Interest. That is, Calculation of the chances
in a game, by means of arithmetic and algebra, to which is added a
treatise on lotteries and interest. 1716
- Inleiding tot de algemeene
geographi, benevens eenige sterrekundige en andere verhandelingen.
That is, Introduction to general geography, to which have been annexed
some treatises on astronomy and others. This includes as part the Hypotheses on the state of human kind
which deals with mortality tables and annuities. 1740
- Vervolg van de beschrijving der
staartsterren, en nadere ontdekkingen omtrent den staat van het
menschelijk geslagt, uit ondervindingen opgemaakt, benevens eenige
sterrekundige, aardrijkskundige en andere aanmerkingen. That is,
Sequel on the description of comets, and more detailed discoveries
concerning the state of human kind, based on some experiences at the
same time as some astronomical, geographic and other
observations. 1753
Only portions of the Uytreeking der
Kansen are rendered here.