Irénée-Jules Bienaymé
b. 28 August 1796, Paris, France
d. 19 October 1878, Paris
Sometime around 1834, Bienaymé became an
active member of the
Societé Philomatique de Paris; many of his papers were published
its journal. In all, thirty-six published articles were written by
Bienaymé. Those which appeared in L'Institute, Paris
were printed
first in the Extraits des Procès-Verbaux de la
philomatique de Paris. Those papers published by the
Philomatic Society typically had little mathematical detail and for
this reason they are unsatisfactory.
The list of publications has been taken from
that compiled by Heyde and Seneta: I.J. Bienaymé,
Statistical Theory
Anticipated, Springer-Verlag 1977. Since Heyde and Seneta fully
summarize his researches, there is little annotation below and the
reader is directed to that work.
Demography and Social Statistics
- (1829) "Mortalité des nouveaux-nés." Moniteur
Universel, 18 April 1829, p. 564.
- (1835) "Sur les erreurs
présumées des documents à l'aide desquels on a calculé, en France, les tables de
population." Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci., Paris, 1,
- (1837) "De la durée de la vie
en France depuis le
commencement du XIXe siécle." Annales
d'hygiéne publique et de médecine légale, 18,
pp. 177-218.
The technique is most interesting in that the census counts of 20 year
old males made for army recruitment and which reflect births twenty
earlier are used for this validation.
- (1837) "Naissances
des enfants dans le
mariage. Soc. Philomat. Paris Extraits, Ser. 5,
153-155. L'Institut, 223, Vol. 6 (1838), 18.
- (1838) "Probabilité des
jugements et des
témoignages" Soc. Philomat. Paris Extraits, Ser.
5, pp.
L'Institut, 235,
Vol. 6, 207-208.
This is
connected to the 1st Supplement to Laplace's
Théorie Analytique des
Probabilités. It concerns distinguishing the
probability of speaking the truth when affirming a fact from that of
speaking truly when denying a fact.
- (1839) "Effets de
l'intérét composé." Soc.
Philomat. Paris Extraits, Ser. 5, 60-65. L'Institut, 286,
Vol. 7, pp. 208-209.
This paper, "The effects of
compound interest," makes the observation
that an assurance company incurs too much risk if insuring too few
persons. We all know that a modest sum can grow to an enormous quantity
if interest is compounded. But the forcasting of revenue and expenses
depends upon events happening as expected. Companies with a small
number of subscribers may have large losses early which cannot be
recovered easily.
The following remarks and papers concern the viability of the Benefit
Society of Metz. This society sold annuities that were, in the mind of
Bienaymé, not fully funded. We find him engaged in an
attempt to get the managers of the fund to make changes to remedy the
- (1857) [Untitled remarks on a report
by M. Didion concerning the
calculation of pensions by the Société de Metz,
1855-1859]. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci., Paris, 44, 573.
- (1862) "Remarques sur les
Sociétés de
Secours mutuels." Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci., Paris, 54,
pp. 536-537.
- (1862) [Untitled remarks following
the paper
Société de Metz, 1862]. Comptes Rendus Acad.
Paris, 54, 796.
- (1862) "Remarques sur les
Sociétés de
Secours mutuels." Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci., Paris, 54,
pp. 889-891.
- (1865) [Untitled remarks in
connection with the
presentation of a pamphlet entitled "Calcul des pensions dans les
Sociétés de prévoyance" by M. Didion] Comptes
Rendus Acad. Sci., Paris, 60,
p. 415.
Statistical Trends
Bienaymé is concerned with the homogeneity and stability of
statistical trials. He studies the stituations where the probability of
a success in a sequence of trials varies with time..
- (1838) "Mémoire
sur la
probabilité des résultats moyens des observations;
démonstation directe de la régle de Laplace." Mém.
pres. Acad. Roy. Sci. Inst. France, 5,
513-558. "Théoréme
sur la probabilité des résultats moyens des observations" Soc.
Philomat. Paris Extraits,
Ser. 5, 42-49. L'Institut, 284,
Vol. 7, pp. 187-189. "Calcul
des probabilités" Soc.
Philomat. Paris Extraits,
Ser. 5, 18-22. L'Institut, 326,
Vol. 8, pp. 111-112.
problem is this: What is the probability of the deviation of which a
mean is able to be affected among any great number of different values
of a phenomenon or of an event, given by so many observations, when one
is not aware of the law of the probabilities of the partial deviations
of each observation?
I have not attempted to correct the
work of Bienaymé and it appears as published (subject to my own
errors of translation and reproduction, of course).
- (1839) "Théoréme
sur la
probabilité des résultats moyens des observations"
Soc. Philomat. Paris
Extraits, Ser. 5, 42-49. L'Institut, 284, Vol. 7,
pp. 187-189. Here the concern is the situation where probability
distribution associated with a sequence of observations will change
during the course of collecting data.
- (1840) "Calcul
probabilités" Soc. Philomat. Paris Extraits,
Ser. 5, 18-22. L'Institut, 327,
Vol. 8, pp. 119-120.
This is on the understanding of the meaning of the phrase "the
constancy of mean results."
- (1840) "Probabilités.
nouveau du calcul des probabilités avec ses applications aux
sciences d'observation" Soc. Philomat. Paris Extraits,
Ser. 5, 37-43. L'Institut, 333, Vol. 8, pp. 167-169. A
sequence of observations may be partitioned into a sequence of
subsequences each of which (under certain circumstances) should behave
as the entire sequence.
Miscellaneous papers on statistics
- (1840) "Application à la
statistique médicale" Soc.
Philomat. Paris Extraits, Ser. 5, 10-13. L'Institut, 322,
Vol. 8, pp. 78-79. This paper discusses in a very superficial way the
problems associated with determining the effectiveness of a treatment.
- (1840) "Calcul
probabilités. Solution d'une probléme du calcul des
probabilités se rettachant avec élections" Soc.
Philomat. Paris Extraits, Ser. 5, 23-26. L'Institut, 327,
Vol. 8, pp. 119-120. One supposes the very great number of the
electors of a great country divided between two opinions in a known
ratio; one supposes moreover the electors apportion at random into
numerous colleges, and one demands what is, with a great probability,
the number of the colleges in which the majority will belong to the
opinion which possesses a known plurality in the electoral body.
- (1840) "Quelques
propriétés des moyens arithmétiques de puissances
de quantités positives." Soc. Philomat. Paris Extraits,
Ser. 5, 67-68. L'Institut, 342, Vol. 8, pp. 216-217.
- (1841) "Notice sur un nouveau
perpétuel." Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, 13,
- (1843) [Untitled communication in
the area: Histoire des
mathématiques, concerning Pascal] Soc. Philomat. Paris
Extraits, Ser. 5, 49-50.
- (1845) "De
la loi de multiplication et
de la durée des familles." Société
philomatique de Paris. Extraits des procés-verbaux des
séances. 5th ser., 10, pp. 37-39. Also in L'Institut,
No. 589,
131-132. On the extinction of families.
This anticipates the theory of branching processes and gives the
Criticality Theorem.
Least Squares
- (1852) "Mémoire
sur la
probabilité des erreurs d'aprés la méthode des
moindres carrés," Journal des
pures et appliquées, 17, pp. 33-78; Reprinted in Mémoires presentés
par savants étrangers é l'Académie des sciences.
15 (1868), pp. 615-663. See also Antoine Augustine Cournot's
de la Théorie des Chances which is cited by Bienaymé
in this paper. The concern of Bienaymé here is the correct
estimation of probabilites when there are several random variables
involved. See
Comptes Rendus Acad. Paris 34, pp. 90-92 or
Liouville's Jour. Math. 17, pp. 31-32 for a review:
"Sur un Mémoire de M. Jules Bienaymé, concernant la probabilité des erreurs
d'après la méthode des moindres carrés.". Also see Meyer's Calcul des Probabilités pp. 377-408.
- (1853) "Sur les
différences qui distinguent l'interpolation de M. Cauchy de la
méthode des moindres carrés, et qui assurent la
supériorité de cette méthode." Comptes
Rendus Acad. Sci., Paris, 37, 5-13. Liouville's J.
Math. Pures Appl. (1) 18, 299-308. Read 4 July 1853. This
paper refers back to the 1835 paper of Cauchy,
"Mémoire sur
l'interpolation." Bienaymé
is very concerned that no one confuse Cauchy's method of solving
systems of equations with the method of least squares. He argues that
the method of elimination of Cauchy is no different from that used by Gauss. Moreover, he observes that Cauchy shows
in the paper "Mémoire sur
l'évaluation d'inconnues déterminées par un grand
d'équations approximatives du premier degré" that his own method can be used
to computed the least squares values.
- (1853) "Remarques
de M. Bienaymé à l'occasion des Notes inserées par M. Cauchy dans les
Comptes Rendus de deux des séances précédentes."
Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci., Paris, 37, pp. 197-198. Read 8
August 1853.
- (1853) "Considérations à
l'appui de la découverte de Laplace sur la loi de
probabilité dans la méthode des moindres carrés,"
Comptes Rendus... de l'Académie des sciences, 37,
pp. 309-324. Reprinted in Journal des
mathématiques pures et appliquées, 2nd ser., 12
(1867), pp. 158-176. Read 20 August 1853. Here Bienaymé defends Laplace against Cauchy. See on the page devoted to
Cauchy a discussion of the controversy between the methods of
interpolation and of least squares. Of interest also is a demonstration
that least squares is superior to all other least positive integer
powers. We should also note that in this paper he derives the Bienaymé-Chebyshev Inequality. See also "Des valeurs moyennes," by Chebyshev.
- (1855) "Sur
un principe que M.
Poisson avait cru découvir et qu'il avait appelé Loi des
grands nombres." Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Morales et
Politiques (3) 11, pp. 379-389. Also J. Soc. Statist.
(1876), pp. 199-204. Here Bienaymé denies the existence of the
Law of Large Numbers. He refers first to the Poisson's two papers delivered to
the Academy: "Recherches sur
probabilité des jugements, principalement en matiére
criminelle." and "Note sur la
loi des
grands nombres" and also to his own paper "Théoréme
sur la
probabilité des résultats moyens des observations. Sur la
probabilité des résultats moyens lorsque les causes sont
variables durant les observations."
Other papers
- (1851) De la mise é alignement des maisons.
Publications de la Revue municipale. Dondey-Dupré, Paris (24
- (1852) Notice sur les travaux scientifiques de M. I.-J.
Bienaymé. Bachelier, Paris (4 pp.)
- (1870) "Traduction de deux passages de Stobée
inexpliqués jusqu'ici." Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci., Paris,
71, pp. 460-462.
- (1871) "Rectification de listes d'articles
détachés de M. Cauchy, publiées dans deux
Catalogues différents, et restitution é M. Cournot de
quelques-uns de ces articles." Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci., Paris,
72, pp. 25-29.
- (1873) "Rapport sur le Concours pour le prix de Statistique,
fondation Montyon." Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci., Paris, 75
, pp. 1306, 1349 - séance du 25 nov. 1872). Liouville's J.
Math. Pures Appl., (2) 18 , pp. 164-179.
- (1874) "Sur une
question de probabilités."
Bull. Soc. Math. France, 2, pp. 153-154. Bienaymé considers the
distribution of extrema in a sequence of observations, essentially a
test for randomness. This same
problem is applied in the following.
- (1875) "Application
théoréme nouveau du calcul des probabilités."
Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci., Paris, 81, pp. 417-423. Bull.
Math. Astr., 9, pp. 219-225. Apparently first published in Bull.
Soc. Math. France, 2 (1874). pp. 153-154.